Onboarding and Reboarding
When it comes to welcoming customers to your financial institution (FI), onboarding is a valuable program that enables you to deepen and strengthen your new customer relationships.

WordCom’s onboarding 90-120 day Program is a six-step process that starts ten days after the customer relationship begins and ends at the 90-day mark.
Here’s how it works:
- Sent 10 days after the account is opened: Email welcome message. This email welcomes your new customer to your financial institution. If they opened a checking account, this communication promotes your ancillary services. If they did not open a checking account, it touts your checking account offerings.
- Sent 30 days after the account is opened: Email “feel good” message. This email, which confirms the wisdom of their decision to change financial institutions, is used to “resell” your organization to new customers.
- 45 days after the account is opened: We’ll use data append to identify your new customer’s next likely product decision.
- Sent 60 days after the account is opened: “Take their temperature.” Send a communication to gauge how your new customer views your financial institution. This “how are we doing?” message can be sent in the form of a survey via email or as a direct mail piece.
- 75 days after the account is opened: Make an outbound phone call to help assess their new customer experience.
- 90 days after the account is opened: Send a communication to target their interest in their next likely product purchase (which you identified in step #3). This can be sent via email or direct mail.
Dashboard reporting makes it easy
- Our dashboard reporting capability enables you to use emails and direct mail to communicate with your new customers.
- You have the option to put new customers into groups, segmented by age
How can you use Reboarding to increase sales?
What is Reboarding? It involves going back two years to identify all single-service customers who opened an account with your financial institution. The goal of Reboarding is to get these individuals engaged so they’ll consider opening new accounts and/or choosing new banking services. Your Reboarding targets:
- If there is no checking relationship, your communication promotes your checking account options
- If they already have a checking account with you, it offers them your ancillary services
Rinse, lather, repeat
Once the initial Reboarding communication goes out, we’ll repeat the Onboarding process, starting at Step 2, with your targeted customers.
Discover the value of these programs
Both Onboarding and Reboarding can help to build and strengthen your customer relationships. These campaigns show that you care, and that the individuals who have put their faith in your financial institution aren’t just another number.
Learn about how EngagementIQ can help you deepen existing customer relationships.