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Loan products are important tools for consumers' financial stability and a valuable revenue generator for your institution.
Utilizing information from your database, your marketing footprint or both, we utilize data intelligence including predictive models and life stage triggers to find people likely to want a loan so you can run more effective campaigns.
We’ll work with you to create the best solution for the results you want to achieve.
Auto loans are needed for just about every adult at some point in their lives. We can help you meet your auto loan goals in a variety of ways:
Combine your current customer data with our access to specialized consumer data to find individuals most likely to be ready to make an auto purchase (or boat, RV, or other vehicle).
Develop a variety of creative options to reach and appeal to consumers.
Prepare offers that work best in your area.
Promote a consistent message across multiple channels that is customized towards the consumers most likely to be in the market.
While Auto Loans are the most popular, we can help you generate account openings for other types of specialty or personal loans. Contact our team to learn more about the variety of services we offer that will increase the number of specialty or personal loans you provide.
Launch data-driven campaigns to achieve the highest results.
Next Most Likely Product data can reveal great opportunities within your existing customer/member base.
Life Stage Triggers are an excellent way to identify and help your customers/members are key times in their lives.
Using pre-mover trigger data and your specific criteria, we can identify prospects that are most likely in the market to purchase a home.
We’ll monitor your current customers and prospects weekly to get your message in front of them in a timely manner.
We’ll profile existing mortgage customers to identify look alike customers and prospects likely to respond.
Loans with other financial institutions
High interest rates
Are making large monthly payments
Other factors that would encourage them to consider a refinance offer from you.
Whether you choose to promote credit cards throughout your market or cross-sell credit cards to your current customers, we can increase the number of accounts you service and advise you along the way.
The typical credit card marketing campaign relies on a pre-approved list of prospects. While pre-approval lowers risk, we have found credit card campaigns can be more successful if financial institutions use an Invitation To Apply (ITA) approach.
Eliminate the high cost of a pre-approved lists.
Our ITA campaigns for financial institutions see double the response rate over pre-approved lists.
Keep the risk low because there is no firm credit offer.
Increase response rates.
Home Equity Loans and Lines of Credit are great tools for homeowners. Offering these products can prove to be a great way to build long-term customers/members. Offering these popular loan products to both customers and prospects regularly will funnel new applications into your loan department year-round.
With our EquityIQ program, we can utilize your existing equity customer data and build a model to find non-equity customers with a high chance of needing to open an equity loan.
Interest rates and home values are fluctuating more frequently now so getting your offer to market quickly and effectively is critical.
Our data analysis and lending profile models use compliant variables to find likely prospects without excluding protected groups.
Our marketing campaigns utilize mail, digital and social to cost effectively grow equity loan balances. Going digital is also a great way to get to market fast and to also be able to change offers quickly.
We can analyze your portfolio of credit lines and find those that have significant outstanding balances—making them prime targets for activation reminders. We’ll create personalized letters and send at regularly-spaced intervals throughout the year to achieve the optimal results.