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Our people are what set us apart. While most companies talk about their core values, we truly live them out. We work hard to maintain a healthy and supportive work culture, and because of that, our employees are best positioned to effectively serve our clients. By keeping our employees happy and retaining them long-term, they are able to do their best work for you and help you reach your goals.
We do it all! We start with your goals and then dive into the data: finding relevant information that we can learn from, identifying the strategies that are often hidden in the data, and making that information actionable for you. Building on this data, we can create your marketing plan, develop creative assets, set a budget, execute that plan, and report back on exactly how it performed. We provide an extremely comprehensive dashboard so you can review, analyze, and learn from your campaign’s performance.
Great question! We have developed some great tools for predicting who will attrite and what that will cost your bottom line. Using these tools, we can save you money and effort by preventing customers from leaving—focusing on the highest revenue customers first.
Before we start a program or campaign, we clarify its goal. Then, we work together to establish a plan and what results you can expect. After running the program or campaign, we deliver a robust dashboard to show you the results and how they relate to the goal. The results are shared with complete transparency, and we are confident that we can deliver success for you. In fact, we are so confident that we never ask you to sign a contract! We work to earn each and every project.
The difference with WordCom is the depth and quantity of data, the combining of data from multiple different sources, and the application of data. Not only do we draw on many rich data sources, but we continually test what we’re doing and the data that we’re working with. This ensures that we are truly using a science-baked approach and not simply relying on our own assumptions.