Market Intelligence

We delve deep into geographic segmentation to unveil unparalleled market insights. Recognizing every region’s unique nuances, we offer robust market analysis, ensuring your strategies resonate locally. Through our insights, we empower institutions to identify optimal markets, refine product offerings, track competitor movements, reduce attrition, and confidently acquire new clients.

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Harness the power of precision in banking.

In today’s fast-paced financial landscape, understanding the potential of your current and prospective bank branches is crucial.

LocationIQ is a groundbreaking tool specially designed to provide banks and financial institutions with a detailed landscape of the market potential in and around current and future branches.

Benefits of LocationIQ

Drive Time Over Radius

Traditional methods simply don’t cut it. Determine your marketing footprint based on drive time, ensuring more accuracy and relevance.

Comprehensive Analytics

Dive deep into the demographic composition and financial behaviors of each market. Know your customers, and anticipate their needs.

Heat Maps

Visualize market potential down to the neighborhood level with intuitive heat maps. Recognize which products have the highest demand in specific locales.

Comparison Metrics

Contrast and compare metrics across different branches. Identify which branches hold the most untapped potential.

Spot Unique Opportunities

Be it a college, retirement community, or any other niche segment, identify unique opportunities within individual markets and cater to them specifically.

Stay ahead of the curve.

Stay one step ahead of your competitors. Know about competitor branch openings or closings – before they become public knowledge!

CompetitorIQ offers unparalleled insights into competitor branch movements. Harnessing comprehensive nationwide data, it allows banks to market proactively in areas witnessing competitor branch transitions, effortlessly drawing in new customers while minimizing attrition.

Benefits of CompetitorIQ

Strategic Insights

Get a bird’s eye view of when and where competitors are opening or shuttering their branches. Strategize marketing efforts to capitalize on these shifts.

Easy Integration

Once onboarded, simply upload your branch list. Set your preferred tracking radius and watch as the tool paints a clear picture of competitor movements.

Visualized Data

Navigate the banking landscape effortlessly with our intuitive map view, allowing you to filter tracked branches by activity, state, or proximity to your locations.

Export and Execute

Harness the power of user-friendly data exports. Use the data to formulate marketing strategies, pinpoint regions ripe for customer acquisition, especially where competitor closures signify increased demand.

Real-time Alerts

In the world of banking, timing is everything. With email alerts, you’ll be in the loop with weekly activity updates. Stay nimble, adapt strategies, and ensure you’re always one step ahead.

Foresight Advantage

Why wait for the media? Whether a competitor is opening a branch or closing one, disrupting local markets, know before the public and prepare in advance. Craft targeted campaigns to lure customers seeking new banking alternatives.