How mid-size bank saw a 267% ROI with CheckingIQ
After unsuccessful checking acquisition attempts, one financial institution found that checkingIQ strategies turned around their marketing results.

A mid-size financial institution found its efforts to improve checking account openings yielded disappointing direct marketing open rates and a negative Return On Marketing Investment (ROMI).
Success With CheckingIQ
When they came to WordCom and explained the past results, we recommended two distinct changes:
1. CheckingIQ Segmentation Analysis Analyzed data and mapped the correct geographic footprint of their branches to locate the best potential prospects.
Among the information from the analysis, CheckingIQTM found the following:
- Best carrier routes and their proximity to the branches
- Historic checking penetration of these carrier routes
- Checking account open rates in the carrier routes based on recent openings
2. Repetitive Mailing Cycles — The next step was to create a direct marketing campaign with a regular mail cycle once the best prospect areas were identified. The repetitive aspect catches prospects at varying times when changes set them on the path to seek a new account.
The campaign included:
- Approximately 43,000 mail pieces are delivered every eight weeks
- A 6' x 9' four-color postcard
- An offer of Checking Rewards Points
Improved Response and ROMI
CheckingIQ Segmentation Analysis delivered the institution's desired results.
- Direct open rate .45%
- Checking deposits $2.1 million
- The acquisition cost per account is $85
- ROMI first year 267%
- Liftover control 365%
- Overall new deposits $5.7 million
As successful as the campaign was, it's important to note the overall effect. These new checking account openings resulted in $5.7 million of overall deposits. Prospects opened accounts other than checking. Also, note the healthy 365% lift of the prospect mailing over the control group to show the value of analysis.